This release has a lot of updates to showing people and playing content in your projects!
Tell a better story for large video walls, control rooms, and displays of various aspect ratios with compositions! Compositions are a flexible, intelligent, and more performant type of media that can adapt to the screen they’re playing on. Read more about compositions in our blog post!

Compositions allow content to resize itself to best fit the display’s size and aspect ratio
Stylized people
Get more variety with randomized characters and color! You can change the default behavior in launcher settings, or change options in a seat’s properties panel (collapsed by default).
Standing people
The new Person object, found in Decor & Staging, is perfect for visualizing someone’s height next to a screen or standing desk. Like heads, a design assistant is required to see them.
Talking people
Heads and people can now be configured to speak at different volume levels, activating intelligent microphones in the space!
Design assistant performance
Design assistants have received a small visual refresh and a big performance update. You can now have hundreds of people active at a time!
We’ve added the MXA920, MXA902, MXA901, and MXN5WC, each with unique visualizations to highlight their unique capabilities!
We’ve added the intelligent 1 Beyond i12 and i20 AI cameras, Flex Pod, and Videobar 70!
We’ve added the Center, Neat’s new 360° camera, as well as the Neat Bar Gen 2! The Center has a FoV visualization but no camera preview.
Middle Atlantic
We’ve added the Forum Lectern, an electrically height adjustable lectern with many customization options, making it a perfect fit for any learning space!
We’ve added the TCC Bar S and TCC Bar M, perfect solutions for small and medium-sized conference rooms, especially those that need advanced audio control!
We’ve added the much-requested Logitech Sight with 315° horizontal FoV! The Sight has a FoV visualization but no camera preview.
Even more new features!
- Floor plan editor: We’ve made a small-but-significant change to aligning reference images in the floor plan editor. The reference line now snaps to 15° increments by default, making it much easier to align drawings that are already perfectly horizontal or vertical. Holding Shift while drawing the line returns to freeform behavior.
- VR: In the Global tab, you can choose if assistants work with sitting people only, standing people only, or both.
- VR: There’s now an option to disable the head on a per-object basis, allowing non-essential seats to be excluded from Design Assistant calculations.
- VR: Even though the Shure MXA910 has been replaced by the MXA920, we’ve refreshed it to better represent updated functionality, including an option to go to the default 30’x30’ coverage pattern.
- VR: The Neat Pad now has an enabled microphone for extending audio of other Neat products.
- VR: We’ve added a track lighting object with individually aimable lights!
- VR: We’ve added a vending and snack machine.
- VR: We’ve reduced shimmer on most shiny materials, dramatically cleaning up the visually experience with things like metal legs on chairs and glossy acoustic treatment.
- VR: The properties panel got a new icon.
- Launcher: We reduced the time it takes to verify DLC on load.
Bug Fixes
- VR: PTZ controls can misbehave on cameras that have a tilting mount.
- VR: Sometimes videos show a brief flicker when they loop.
- VR: Design Assistant heads point at the top of the screen instead of the ⅓ mark.
- VR: Using Channel 6 (camera preview) on projector screens uses the wrong material, incorrectly showing perfect black levels.
- VR: Popcorn maker missing in some places in the library hierarchy.
- VR: Sometimes the Global Tab’s auto-selection didn’t show what was actually being auto-selected.
- VR: Sometimes the cursor tool’s laser would get stuck on, and be extra short, in multi-user sessions.
- VR: Crestron Horizon keypad parts were in the wrong place when first added to a space.
- VR: Crestron Horizon keypad lights lose their selected color when changing materials.
- VR: Computer parts object shows a screen indicator even if there’s no monitor or laptop.
- VR: The Neat Board 50’s screen emitted light from the wrong location.
- VR: Objects attached to the operable wall sometimes show their selection box in the wrong location.
- VR: Non-rug materials assigned to the rug are the wrong scale.
- VR: Fireplace audio sometimes glitches.
- VR: All users in a multi-user session get moved to the same location if the space is resized.
- VR: The session host’s camera viewing indicator can be saved into the connected client’s undo stack.
- VR: Fixed a vertical line that could sometimes appear outside when using city environments.
- Photo: In a multi-user session, Photo users create significant extra network traffic.
- Photo: Can’t cycle seats if a Design Assistant isn’t enabled.
- Photo: Using camera preview in a multi-user session could show the selection box.
- Photo: Using camera preview in a multi-user session sometimes didn’t update correctly if another user altered the current camera settings.
- Launcher: Window not accessible if the user goes from 2 monitors down to 1.
- Docs: Missing metadata on Logitech Rally Bar in the Bill of Materials.